Price Of Oil

Oil is the most important product in the world market. The economic balance of many countries depends on the rise and fall of oil prices. Demand for crude oil in India, China and the US is extremely high. As the cost of fuel increases day by day, the demand for crude oil in the world market is increasing.

The economic situation of different countries of the world depends on the cost of energy. Since crude oil production is limited, it cannot be increased in any way. The last few years have shown that it is difficult for the country to save oil. Due to limited oil supply, the price of this oil is very high in the industrialized countries of the world, because the demand for oil in these countries is very high.

Different types of crude oil are found in nature. However, not all oils work for us. Brent crude oil is in high demand, especially in the European market. After the Brent crude oil is extracted, it is first refined lightly, so that the oil is not completely unrefined. The oil is then transported from the North Sea through a pipe to the Sulom Vo terminal in Mainland, Shetland, and from there to various destinations via various transports.

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